The Monument Research Symposium is an annual event where Friends Research Fund grant recipients present on their research and findings. These grants support graduate and undergraduate students, as well as Indigenous Americans, who conduct research intended to enhance our understanding, appreciation, preservation, and/or protection of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. Areas of research include, but are not limited to, biology, environmental sciences/education, geology, sociology, arts and humanities, Indigenous studies, history and business. More information about our Friends Research Fund can be found HERE.

The Symposium typically takes place each year in march or april. Please check back for information on our 2025 symposium.

To view Symposiums from previous years, please visit the FCSNM YouTube.

2022 Grant Recipient, Heather Stewart-Ahn, sharing about her research on the rare, red lichen Umbilicaria phaea var. coccinea at Horseshoe Ranch Wildlife Area in the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument.