Dragonfly and Damselfly BioBlitz 2019

Citizen Scientists pose in front of Pinehurst School.

Citizen Scientists pose in front of Pinehurst School.

More than 50 registered citizen-scientists convened for the 5th Annual BioBlitz hosted by the Friends of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument on August 3, 2019. The survey focus was Odonates, carnivorous insects including dragonflies and damselflies.

Teams were assembled, nets in hand, to survey sixteen different sites throughout the Monument. In just a few hours, 47 different species of dragonflies and damselflies were recorded. Six of these species were previously unknown to exist in the Monument. Each team was led by an expert leader.

Leader Dr. Dennis Paulson, an author of three Odonata books and dozens of papers, said of the event “It was a pleasure to educate others about dragonflies and damselflies and to collectively learn more about the diversity of these species within Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument.”

The six new species included Pale Snaketail, Widow Skimmer, Flame Skimmer, American Rubyspot, California Dancer, and Emma’s Dancer. Norm Barrett, a BioBlitz volunteer organizer recounts, “The Flame Skimmer and Widow Skimmer were common species In the county and I fully expected to see them on the list so I am glad they were verified. The California Dancer was one I had hoped for as we have them on the valley floor.  I wasn’t sure if elevation might be limiting and we now know it isn’t. The Pale Snaketail was not even on my radar as a possible species, since I have never seen one in the county.  It was the biggest surprise of the day.”

Lincoln Pond had the greatest diversity with 21 species followed by Little Hyatt Lake and Sky King Cole with 20 species each.

Striped Meadowhawk was seen at 12 of the 16 sites we visited making it the most widely scattered species. While White-faced Meadowhawk was seen at only 3 sites, literally hundreds were seen at Tunnel Creek, making it the most abundant species. Full list of species below.

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Survey sites and expert leaders.

Survey sites and expert leaders.

Aeshna interrupta, Variable Darner

Aeshna walkeri, Walker’s Darner

Anax junius, Common Green Darner

Rhionaeschna californica, California Darner

Rhionaeschna multicolor, Blue-eyed Darner

Ophiogomphus severus, Pale Snaketail

Somatochlora semicircularis, Mountain Emerald

Leucorrhinia intacta, Dot-tailed Whiteface

Libellula forensis, Eight-spotted Skimmer

Libellula nodisticta, Hoary Skimmer

Libellula pulchella, Twelve-spotted Skimmer

Libellula quadrimaculata, Four-spotted Skimmer

Libellula luctuosa, Widow Skimmer

Libellula saturata, Flame Skimmer

Pachydiplax longipennis, Blue Dasher

Plathemis lydia, Common Whitetail

Sympetrum illotum, Cardinal Meadowhawk

Sympetrum madidum, Red-veined Meadowhawk

Sympetrum obtrusum, White-faced Meadowhawk

Sympetrum pallipes, Striped Meadowhawk

Sympetrum vicinum, Autumn Meadowhawk

Tramea lacerate, Black Saddlebags


Lestes congener, Spotted Spreadwing

Lestes disjunctus, Northern Spreadwing

Lestes dryas, Emerald Spreadwing

Lestes unguiculatus, Lyre-tipped Spreadwing

Calopteryx aequabilis, River Jewelwing

Amphiagrion abbreviatum, Western Red Damsel

Argia vivida, Vivid Dancer

Argia agrioides, California Dancer

Enallagma carunculatum, Tule Bluet

Enallagma annexum, Northern Bluet