Hike and Learn 

Hike and Learns are designed to connect you more fully to the wonder and value of the biodiversity within the Monument. They are co-created with local scientists, historians, artists, writers, and more. They consist of a Friday evening lecture followed by a Saturday hike in the Monument. You are welcome to attend just Friday or just Saturday or both days. All events are free of charge.

See below for a list of our upcoming Hike and Learns. We hope you can join us!

Aquatic Habitats & Species of the Monument

Friday Talk: June 14th, 6:00-7:30 PM - Register here

Saturday Hike: June 15th, 9:00-2:00 PM - Register Here

Learn about the fascinating world beneath the surface of the creeks and streams of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument! Chris Volpe, Medford District BLM fish biologist, will take us on a journey to understand the Monument's watersheds, the different kinds of aquatic habitats found there, and the species that call those habitats home. We will also discuss the challenges the watersheds currently face and how we can improve their condition and resilience.

On the Saturday Hike we will explore aquatic habitats in the Monument such as Jenny Creek and areas that have undergone restoration.

Chris Volpe is the Medford District and Ashland Field Office Fish Biologist. He has been with the BLM for 22 years and spent another four years in the Rogue Basin prior to that collecting fish and habitat data with teh Oregon Deptartment of Fish and Wildlife. Chris has been involved with monitoring, research, and restoration of aquatic species and habitats in the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument for most of his career.

The Friday Hike & Learn session will take place in the Ashland Food Co-op Community Classroom at 300 N. Pioneer in Ashland from 6:00 to 7:30pm. The classroom is one block toward downtown from the grocery store on N 1st Street.


Unless otherwise noted, talks are held at the Ashland Food Co-op Community Classroom located at 300 N. Pioneer Street in Ashland, OR. The community classroom in NOT in the grocery store. It is in a separate building a block behind the grocery store on 300 N. Pioneer Street. The talk is an opportunity to learn, ask questions, and meet your fellow hikers. It is optional and not compulsory before taking the hike.

If you can’t hike the trail you are welcome to attend only the talk! Enjoy the images and participate in the discussion. We believe in making the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument accessible for all people to learn about and appreciate our public lands.

Hikes are held in various locations within the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. We kick off the hikes at the Rite Aid parking lot located at 2341 Ashland Street in Ashland at 9AM (unless otherwise noted) and carpool/caravan to the designated spot in the Monument together.

On the day of the hike:

  • Bring plenty of water

  • Bring lunch and snacks

  • Consider bringing additional items such as: hat, sunscreen, walking sticks, camera, binoculars, hand lens, notebook and pen

  • Wear sturdy shoes and protective clothing

Be considerate of the group and meet on time at the designated location.

Practice hike ethics and leave no trace. Learn more.

Limited facilities. The only public toilet facilities are located at the Hyatt Lake campground, Hobart Bluff trailhead, Pilot Rock trailhead, Grizzly Peak trailhead, and the Tub Springs Wayside. There are no washroom facilities or pit toilets at most other locations.

For those who attended Jad D’Allura’s Friday Night Talk on Volcanoes, you can find a copy of his presentation below:


"I loved the lecture before the hike."

"To see drawings and pictures [helped] to understand what I saw during the hike."

"It was nice having everyone contribute some knowledge on the hike."

"Beautiful area!"

Gallery of previous Hike and Learns. Check out our blog for write-ups and photos of the previous Hike and Learns!

Principles of Outdoor Ethics

Plan Ahead and Prepare
 Travel & Camp on Durable Surfaces
 Dispose of Waste Properly
Leave What You Find
Respect Wildlife
 Be Considerate of Other Visitors